Malena Hirschfeld Art
About the Artist
Artist Bio:
Malena Hirschfeld is a contemporary western artist most inspired by horses and rocky mountain wildlife.
She attended Colorado State University where she obtained a bachelor’s degree in fine art with a concentration in painting. She continued painting as a hobby while she pursued her master’s degree in education from the University of Northern Colorado and became an elementary school teacher. Though she remains passionate about early childhood education and the role of art in children’s lives, Malena decided to leave the classroom to pursue her dream of becoming a professional artist.
She is currently a member of the Thompson Valley Art League, Longmont Artists Guild, Firehouse Art Center,Cowgirl Artists of America, and the East Boulder County Artists, and enjoys attending local art festivals. Her work is currently on display at Western Stars Gallery in Lyons, Colorado the Old Gallery in Allenspark, Colorado, and Lincoln Gallery in Loveland, Colorado.
Artist Statement:
I am a painter inspired most by horses and the wildlife of the Colorado Rocky Mountains where I live.
Horses have been both a fascination and a major part of my life for as long as I can remember. They’ve played a role in teaching me independence, patience, responsibility, and creative escape. The individuality, intelligence, grace, and beauty of horses is what I hope to capture in my work.
Through my art, I strive to enhance the viewer’s appreciation of the subjects by creating a composition that generates interest from all angles. Close up, my paintings are a colorful array of marks made by the paintbrush and palette knife. As you step away, the image comes into focus. My ultimate goal is to showcase the natural beauty of the subjects through my love of bright color and varied textures.